The Colors That Will Define And Expand The Space In Your Home

New ways of relating

In this way, the architects whose style is characterized by its “ open source ” format, question the traditional and conventional typology, opting for spacious and flexible rooms that adapt to new ways to relate to each other and our home.

In this way, the design strategy used in this reform generates a sought-after sense of visual continuity and spaciousness that, through colors and textures, defines five separate rooms in an apartment where there are really only two physically independent spaces. The use of this arrangement not only optimizes the 60 meters of the floor to the maximum but also guarantees total functional flexibility and even the incorporation of other programs that are imperceptible at first.

Guest room

The perfect example is the extra guest room that, when necessary, is generated thanks to the use of a blue curtain that separates it from the space intended for the living room. On this occasion, blue is the color chosen to dress this area dedicated to rest, in such a way that a unique personality is created in each of the rooms in the house.

Main room

In this room, different shades of gray contribute to the serenity and tranquility that any bedroom demands. Again, the textures and lighting are elements that add to this intention and that define a personality of its own.


In the kitchen, the main color is green, and this is combined with black appliances, countertops, and lamps. In addition to color, the textures are played with in the area that surrounds the long worktop, providing a sense of dynamism and breaking with the monotony that a monochromatic room could generate.

Functional dining room

The dining room, with a light yellow as the base color and located next to the kitchen, combines, again, with black elements that generate a chromatic contrast: chairs, cups and food utensils, and a lamp that descends from the text.

In turn, this space is perfect to use as an office, being a participant, once again, in the multifunctionality and flexibility of the different areas of the floor.


The color that in the rest of the rooms is used to mark contrast is now used as the main color and innovatively since the color that is traditionally associated with the bathroom is white. It is combined, in turn, with a series of matte textures and a pattern on the wall that is repeated in the rest of the rooms and that is characteristic of this project.


Tags: apartment, apartment decor, architecture, colors that expand your home, decorations, expand your home, interior decor, interior design

Author: Renata Kralevska

Renata Kralevska

A passionate female writer, I specialize in articles about architecture and home interiors. I love sharing insights and inspiration to help readers create beautiful and functional living spaces.


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