Make A Difference – To Paint Or To Decorated The Ceilings?

If you are considering a change or a new design at home but do not want to spend a lot of money, you can look up at the ceilings and realize that they also exist and that they can contribute something to the decoration of your home.

Tradition dictates that the ceilings be painted white. But white-white. Not the off-white, or the beige of the walls. It is true that this small difference makes a distinction or marks the line between the ceiling and the wall and that contrast generates a clean sensation.

The white ceilings move away from the ceilings and make the spaces visually higher, but now that we talk so much about seclusion, about sensations at home, what better way than to also use the ceilings to create those sensations?

A painted ceiling enhances the feeling of “box”, which is what a room is after all, and can help us feel more sheltered. That is why it is a great resource in bedrooms . If you are lucky enough to have a high ceiling, painting it in a different color from the walls will make it visually “lower”. This is a resource widely used in bathrooms where the high ceilings create a feeling of “coldness”, something that can be solved with a coat of paint.

Partially painting the ceiling is an easy way to zone and mark space boundaries without losing usable floor space.

If, on the other hand, you want to lose the limits, paint the ceiling the same color as the walls and, of course, the ceilings also allow wallpapers to generate contrasts and an attractive point of view.





Tags: apartments, Ceiling, ceiling decor, ceiling paint, decorations, home decor, interior design, re-decor

Author: Renata Kralevska

Renata Kralevska

A passionate female writer, I specialize in articles about architecture and home interiors. I love sharing insights and inspiration to help readers create beautiful and functional living spaces.


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