Colorful Decor with Fresh Flowers & Plants

If you miss fresh plants and flowers at home as much as we do, we invite you to take a tour of this apartment where you can see vases and flowerpots in all rooms. The quarantine has left us without our visits to the nursery to stock up on new pots for the new season on the terrace, not even a few flowers can we buy from time to time to brighten up our living room.

With the one that is falling, we know that it is not the important thing, nor is it essential, but it is clear that taking care of our pots encourages us and dresses our home with freshness, nature, and spring, which we miss a little. Notice that all the flowers and plants in this house are precious, of course, it is an important quantity and you have to have something on hand to maintain them, you can see that he is someone who has a passion for them.

Realize how they end up forming an important part of the decoration, due to their shapes, size, and colors, we invite you to study each photograph to see where the pots are located and what types they are so that you can be inspired at home.

Are you good at plants?Β Do you like them on this floor?













Tags: apartments, colorful decor, decorating, flowers, flowers & plants, home decor, indoor plants, interior design, plants

Author: Renata Kralevska

Renata Kralevska

A passionate female writer, I specialize in articles about architecture and home interiors. I love sharing insights and inspiration to help readers create beautiful and functional living spaces.


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