Unique ideas for a small living room

A small living room is not a sentence! Even from the narrowest and most uncomfortable room, you can create a comfortable place at first glance, both for your pastime and for meetings with friends. We have collected some interesting ideas that will help you create a cosy and functional interior even in a small living room.

Big mirrors

Mirrors can magically transform the interior, and most importantly, visually increase the space of a small living room, and add light and air to the room. It is best to place a large mirror on a wall perpendicular to the window, having studied in advance how the sun’s rays will reflect from it and whether it will glare.

Functional furniture

In a small living room, each piece of furniture should be incorporated as effectively as possible. It is good if the furniture is mobile and performs several functions at once: a coffee table and a stool, a sofa bed, and a convertible shelf.

Additional lighting

In a small living room, the light should be uniform and subtle, but at the same time bright enough. Therefore, do not limit yourself to just one chandelier on the ceiling – it is better if there are several light sources: sconces, table lamps, and wreaths.

Pictures and decor

Paintings, figurines, souvenirs, and plants in beautiful pots will undoubtedly create cosiness and make the living room more individual and interesting. But the main thing here is not to overdo it. In order not to worry, there should not be a lot of such decorative elements.


Tags: decorations, home decor, interior design, living room, living room decor, small living room, small living room decor

Author: Renata Kralevska

Renata Kralevska

A passionate female writer, I specialize in articles about architecture and home interiors. I love sharing insights and inspiration to help readers create beautiful and functional living spaces.


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