Mayfair, London Apartment

Casa Forma’s Flagship design at The Manor in Mayfair represents the best of what modern interior
design can achieve. The property, situated in the heart of London, was in desperate need of
modernisation. The original layout consisted of bedrooms on both sides of the 260 square metre
property with a dining room firmly in the centre. This design didn’t reflect the modern style or way
of life of the property’s new occupants.

Davies Street 01

The brief
The brief was to modernise the property to reflect modern living. The client wanted specific
separation of living areas for private, family and social life and also wanted to maximise natural light
to a somewhat dark and dingy flat. The client wanted to re-envision the space to feature three
double bedrooms all with en-suites, a relaxed drawing room, a dining room, a TV room, modern
kitchen, powder room, study and utility room. With 260 square meters this gave us plenty of space
to create something luxurious, opulent but also practical.

Davies Street Bar 02

Initial structural design
When we first saw this property we knew we had to increase the light and bring a sense of openness
to this space. We decided to open up the social space and put this at the front of the property with
access to lots of natural light.

We really take pride in choosing unique and opulent materials for our designs. This property really
wanted to showcase relaxed opulence and blend the two seamlessly. We opted for a range of
natural stones and woods to compliment the sophistication of Mayfair.

Davies Street Bathroom 03

We wanted a beautiful natural hallway. We started with the floors and used natural stone and
bronze trim to bring light to the hallways and smaller entertaining area. In the hallway we used a
sumptuous ebony veneer and moon onyx to create a strong, modern aesthetic. We supplemented
this with rich gold furniture and spotlights throughout to make the area feel like you were being
opened up to the whole house.

Living Areas
The large lounge and smaller snug area we decided to separate with a tinted glass screen. This
allows the smaller area to be semi-private whilst still allowing light to flow throughout the open
space. The lounge itself uses a ceiling high mirror to create a great feeling of space that is
complimented by a dark marble fireplace and thin dark wood book cases. We used stone flooring in
the smaller lounge and then rich, dark woods to bring out the floor spectacularly. Furnishings were
the most important decision in this room and we opted for a blend of dark and warm colours against
lighter creams. The lighting here is incredibly important with spotlights lining the outside of the
room and soft small table lamps allowing the owners to set the perfect mood.

Davies Street Living Room 04

Dining Room
The lounge opens up into the dining room and we wanted to retain this open feel whilst leaving the
areas distinct. We chose a solid, dark topped table with warm cream chairs. This all set against a
natural stone wall that evokes a formal but relaxed and natural area. The chandelier above the
dining table creates soft light with an art deco style. In the corner of this room we managed to fit in a
wall bar and sink. This is the perfect place to mix drinks on social occasions and adds to the social
utility of the design.

Davies Street Master Bathroom 05

For the bedrooms dark walnut woods and rich creams compliment a mixture of art deco and classic
furniture. We used gold ornamentation and gilding throughout the furnishings in these rooms to
create a warm opulent feel. These, more intimate, rooms feature integrated TV’s that we blended
into the walls with dark wooden casing so that they don’t detract from the opulence. The raised bed
and en-suite bathroom make this an escape from the world for the owners and any guests.

Rounding out the design
With this rich, modern design blending art deco and classical styles we also wanted to make sure
everything had a modern touch. We used technology systems to allow control of everything
throughout the house – from the lights to sound system and TV’s. This helps the owners have a
home that reflects and adapts to their mood at any time.

Davies Street Master Bedroom 06

Davies Street Reception 07 Davies Street Reception 08

Davies Street Study 09


Tags: apartment, bedroom, dinning room, hallway, living areas, London, materials, mayfair, modern living, natural stones, structural design

Author: Maja Markovski

Maja Markovski

A 35-year-old female architect with a passion for innovative, sustainable design. I blend creativity and functionality to transform spaces into beautiful, practical environments.


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