Is Your Radiator Wasting Energy (And Money)?

As we enter the colder months, our heating bills tend to increase.

However, there are plenty of easy fixes to ensure that you are not wasting unnecessary amounts of money on your gas-powered heating.

Below are our top tips to save both energy and money!

Electric radiators

If possible, consider switching to electric radiators. No gas is used for electric radiators as the energy used to power them is taken directly from the walls they are attached to and is then converted into heat.

While the switch itself may be expensive, it will likely save you money in the long run.

Sites like Trade Radiators sell electric radiators at very reasonable prices.

Wear layers

If you are feeling particularly cold in your home, consider what you are wearing. Are you bare-footed and wearing a t-shirt in mid-December?

Rather than turning up the heating, reach for a jumper and some thick socks instead. Make sure you have dressed appropriately for the temperature.

Use hot water bottles

If your bedroom is feeling cold at night, rather than turning up the heating try popping a hot water bottle into your bed.

This will keep you and your bed nice and toasty without having an impact on the cost of your heating.

Consider insulation

There are many different kinds of insulation such as loft, floor, and wall insulation. Insulation helps trap heat in your house and helps it stay warmer for longer.

Again, whilst this may be a pretty expensive solution in the short term, it will likely save you a lot of money off of your heating bills in the long term.

Keep doors closed

If you have your radiator on, close the door! Don’t let the heat escape to other areas of the house that do not need to be well-heated. Instead, keep your doors shut to keep the heat in.

Block draughts

If you have a real coal fire, a lot of heat from your house can escape via the chimney. However, there are devices called chimney balloons that you can buy that will prevent this issue.

Turn off radiators that aren’t in use

If there is a room that is rarely used yet you still have the radiator for it turned on, switch it off!

There is no need to have every radiator in the house on when you are cold. Keep it to the rooms that are actually in use.

Smart meter

Invest in a smart meter.

This will not necessarily save you money but it gives you an idea of how much energy you are using and you can work out for yourself where and in what ways you can cut back your energy use.

Get your radiator regularly checked

Make sure you get your radiators checked regularly by plumbers. If they are not working to their full capacity, you will be wasting energy and money on a radiator that isn’t doing its job.

Do this in the summer – you don’t want to get to the winter months only to realise you have a faulty radiator!

Hopefully, these quick fixes have given you a better idea of how to save energy and money when it comes to heating your home.


Tags: heating, home, improvement, radiator

Author: Maja Markovski

Maja Markovski

A 35-year-old female architect with a passion for innovative, sustainable design. I blend creativity and functionality to transform spaces into beautiful, practical environments.


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