16 Excellent Examples How To Fit Wallpapers Into Modern Style Homes

Modern design has no limitations. It is featured by characteristics that include different colors, finishes and materials that we consider modern: simple lines, matte or glossy looks, metal combined with glass and wood, etc … For the modern design it is also specific constantly to change. Today’s modern style is completely different than that ten years ago, which is reasonable. New trends, materials and uses of already tried things, made it a completely new direction in the interior design.

The most revealing example of the evolution of the modern style is the wallpaper! Long time ago wallpapers were not so used, but today they are an indispensable element of the modern homes. When using a wallpaper, it is crucial to limit it to one accent wall and to stick on it. Otherwise, you will break the balance in the entire room with the pattern and only then will you achieve the impression of cluttered home. In the bedroom we spend about a third of a day, so it is good, from time to time, to refresh it with new linens, blankets or curtains. And the real miracle of a quick and not too expensive makeover, is setting a wallpaper on the wall above the head of the bed. With this detail on the wall, the space will get new and fresh look and a completely unexpected aesthetic experience. When choosing colors and patterns, it should be ensured that wallpaper on the wall should be in tone aligned with other elements in the room – such as curtains or rugs.Β Check out below and find idea how to fit the wallpapers in your modern interior design!














Tags: modern design, modern style, modern style homes, wallpapers

Author: Ana Duovska


''Some people look for a beautiful place, others make a place beautiful.''


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