16 Engrossing Tuscan Interior Designs That Will Leave You Speechless

Home decorated in the spirit of Tuscany, is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful design. Life under sun is very good, and it radiates in people’s faces and makes you feel relaxed and happy. And all the comfort that comes from this style is because of the unique climate. You and your family can make a comfortable and sunny environment in your home, because it is no accident that in the Tuscan style dominates grain color, which is warm and reminiscent of the Mediterranean. Everything points to a warm, nice and snug in this style.

The living room should be set up so that there is always plenty of sunshine. Yellow and orange tones may be interwoven through your living room, so that it always acts as if it is sunny. If you have large windows, allow the light to enter in abundance in your room and do not even set curtains, or opt for some subtle and translucent. Furniture with elegant carving and leather sofas can fit great in this kind of interior. For its decoration does not take much, one thing is certain that should not lack: flowers and plants. Big trees in the gardens reminiscent of cypress and olive trees, are characteristic of Tuscany. Fresh fruit, a bottle of wine, stone vases, all that can serve as an ornament and decoration and that are reminiscent of bygone times. Living in a house whose interior reminiscent of Tuscany is beautiful, bright and quiet.






Image via Vernon Wentz


Tags: tuscan, tuscan home decor, tuscan interior design

Author: Ana Duovska


''Some people look for a beautiful place, others make a place beautiful.''


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