15 Ingenious Small Space Designs That Everyone Should See

Small homes, can be decorated the same as the larger, and also can be cozy, intimate and chic, if you wisely use the space. In order for your small space to look spacious, here are a few unmistakable tricks to help you to visually increase the square, without spending money.

Extremely gentle detail that will connect the room with the exterior are the green herbs. Try to put the plant in the angle that you want to do bigger and you will see the result immediately. For desks, chairs, benches and generally all furniture, simple designs will help not only make the interior more harmonious, but also more spacious. Opt for materials like wood without accented colors, and the room will be spacious and comfortable.Β Glossy materials like marble, will make every space bigger. Not only you can use it in the kitchen for the worktop, but also in the living room. The marble table next to the couch will immediately increase the space and make the room more elegant. The same effect can be achieved with the use of mirrors. Large or small, single or grouped, mirrors can always help to visually increase your small space. Here are some helpful ideas which can inspire you to visually increase the size of your small space.










Tags: decorating small space, small space

Author: Ana Duovska


''Some people look for a beautiful place, others make a place beautiful.''


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