12 Simple But Efficient Ways To Visually Enlarge Every Small Space

If you live in an apartment or house with small and limited space, and you are wondering how can make it organized and well-decorated, then you are on the right place. Your apartment may be in a few square meters, but that does not mean that your decoration is limited with the functionality. Designing smaller spaces that must have all the necessary functions, from kitchen till the bathroom, is certainly a big challenge, but if you want more challenging projects, you’ll love to know what the designers recommend for decorating small apartments.

Though you think that designing a small apartment is very difficult, these few tips can help you to get the idea of what you want and how to fit all of these functional elements into the whole concept, and make your space a real comfortable home. Follow our guidelines, and you will create perfect haven for real enjoyment!

Use more bright and pastel colors.


Use more lighting sources.


Use patterns with stripes.


Opt for biggerΒ windows.


Always strive for maximum use the height of the space.

Set only a few pieces of furniture.

Set mirrors.


Use multi-functional furniture.

Use neutral shades as basis.


Use furniture with trestle legs.

Let the natural light to enter in the space.

Select suitable curtains.



Tags: decorating small apartment, decorating small space, small apartment, small space

Author: Ana Duovska


''Some people look for a beautiful place, others make a place beautiful.''


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