Project: House WR
Architects: Niko Wauters / Schellen Architecten
Location: Keerbergen, Flemish Brabant, Belgium
Area: 1,929 sq ft
Photographs by: Courtesy of Niko Wauters
House WR by Niko Wauters
Niko Wauters of Schellen Architecten, a Belgian architecture studio, is responsible for the astounding design of House WR – a contemporary residence located in Keerbergen, a municipality in the Belgian province of Fleemish Brabant.
It is immediately noticeable that this house is the home of contrasts. Not only the exterior colors and materials contrast each other, but also the layout. Towards the street, the interior is closed and private whereas it is wide open and airy towards the backyard garden.
The lower floor keeps all of the common areas seamlessly connected although clearly separated visually, while the private quarters are located on the upper floor.
Architect Niko Wauters designed this minimalistic low-energy family home. He is one of the leading architects at Schellen Architecten.
This spacious home was designed on a small plot (8 acres), and is designed around contrasts. Open to the sun & the garden, but closed to the street & the north.
The black volume on the ground-floor contains the living areas, all connected but visual separated. The night part is located on the upper floor in the semi-floating white volume.
Through pivotating glass doors & skylights, daylight illuminates the whole home. At night, the moon is a subtle night light in the upper corridor.
Because of its well thought design, this home uses little energy. Air-tight & well insulated, this home loses almost no energy. The small amount of energy necessary for heating the home during winter, is produced by a geothermal heathpump and solar panels.
Most of the interior lights are LED’s. All produced heat is reused (even heat from waste-water).
This project shows that low energy design & minimalistic architecture can go hand in hand.