From Old Horse Stable to Modern Family Home

Bright, practical, decorated in a minimalist Nordic style, with Danish design pieces, a few steps from the center … this house is a perfect accommodation to enjoy Copenhagen, the next time you decide to go to Denmark. If something good made it easier to rent private houses to spend our vacations, it was that we could see, especially abroad and first hand, how the inhabitants of other countries live;Β which hotels do not always show, since hotel standards are very similar in most cities around the world.

By temporarily renting a real house, we can get a good idea of ​​the country’s standards, in architecture, finishes, materials and depending on the level of the house in decoration and design. Danes who are lovers of design, theirs and the Nordic, in particular, collect from very young pieces of the original design, from table and kitchen utensils to decorative objects, furniture, lamps, etc.

We do not know how many inherited or personal pieces there will be in this apartment that we present to you today, but we can say that it is a place that reflects well a style that many Nordics follow to live. It is a vacation rental home decorated in a minimalist modern Nordic style, where the designer furniture works almost like sculptures and is the complete protagonist in the spacious rooms.

Let’s see what you think, the truth is that looking at the photos of the interior it is difficult to believe that this house was once a stable, only when we see the outside can we imagine that it was.













Tags: decorations, home decor, home design, interior design, modern family home, modern home, old horse stable

Author: Renata Kralevska

Renata Kralevska

A passionate female writer, I specialize in articles about architecture and home interiors. I love sharing insights and inspiration to help readers create beautiful and functional living spaces.


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