Cozy Coastal Christmas In Long Island, New York

If we combine coastal style and Christmas decoration, the result can not be cozierΒ than the villa we show you today.

We are fans of the East Long Island style, the Hamptons and the entire east coast of the United States.

Open houses, white, bright, wooden, with incredible finishes and nautical details in the decoration, swarm across the east coast of America combining a very characteristic American style, which sometimes approaches the nautical Nordic on the other side of the Atlantic. If we like these houses in summer, with their green gardens and the scent of the nearby sea, in winter with the snow and in December with the Christmas touches we fall in love.Β Look at the exterior of the house, what a simple decoration, but so cozy and elegant.


If we go inside, the style becomes a little more rustic showing us the natural wood of the floor, the ceiling beams, and the recycled pine furniture.Β The house was built in 1850 and the owner wanted to respect the style of that era in the renovation.

As for the Christmas details, in the United States, they change concerning Europe and let’s not say the Nordic countries, although in this house they are kept at bay, without excesses, still, the colors of Santa Claus are the ones that send.

Surely although it changes a little bit of Nordic Christmas decoration you like it for its simplicity and naturalness.









Tags: christmas decorations, Christmas details, coastal style, home design, house design, interior design, Nordic style

Author: Renata Kralevska

Renata Kralevska

A passionate female writer, I specialize in articles about architecture and home interiors. I love sharing insights and inspiration to help readers create beautiful and functional living spaces.


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