10 Gardens Under the Stairs And How to Set Them Up

Stairs are indispensable in houses with more than one floor and along with them comes that gap that sometimes serves to accumulate things, sometimes it is empty and bland.Β If you have such a space in your house bothering you, know that a great solution is to build a garden under the stairs.Β 

According to Feng Shui, China’s ancient environment harmonization technique, the stairs are the link between the levels of the house and symbolize the harmonious transition that residents make between different places – home, work, school, among others.Β Therefore, having a garden or potted plants under the stairs helps to balance the energies between the two environments and provide safety to those passing by.

Whether it’s aesthetic, functional or energetic, a garden under the stairs can change the look of your home.Β There are several ways to set up such a garden.Β You can choose to use only stone pots, make a flower bed or even set up a mini pond.

Another type of garden much used lately are the dry ones.Β This type of garden is characterized by the absence of plants and maintenance, ideal for those who do not have time to devote to a larger garden and with different species.Β In this case, use stones and decorative objects to compose the dry garden under the stairs.Β If you wish, you can insert artificial plants to give that garden look of nature.

But if you want to use real plants, the most important tip is knowing how to choose the right plants for gardens under stairs.Β Generally in this type of place there is no direct incidence of sunlight, therefore, the most recommended is to use shade and half shadow plants among them foliage such as pacovΓ‘, peace lilies, cyclantus, palm trees, zamioculcas, St. George’s swords, bromeliads and Dracenas.

And to give that garden a special finishing touch make a lighting project for it.Β 

We have some ideas for you when it comes to mini indoor gardens & some indoor garden spaces that will uplift the spirit of your home.

We know that inspiration never hurts.Β That’s why we have selected 10 beautiful garden photos under the stairs so as not to miss ideas when assembling yours. Take a look:












Tags: decor, garden under the stairs, home decor, indoor garden, indoor gardening, interior design, plants, plants and indoor gardens, product design

Author: Renata Kralevska

Renata Kralevska

A passionate female writer, I specialize in articles about architecture and home interiors. I love sharing insights and inspiration to help readers create beautiful and functional living spaces.


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