Unique Bathroom Ideas that Will Give Your Home the Edge

Your bathroom is a place where you can truly relax and unwind. Soaking in the bathtub surrounded by bubbles, a glass of wine and a good book can be the one place where you can truly escape from young children, the daily grind of the 9-5 or the large pile of washing up. In order to make your bathroom even more attractive, there are a number of unique ideas that you can incorporate.

His and Hers Sink Basins


Personal hygiene is incredibly important and, let’s face it, everyone has their own routine, don’t they?

It can be incredibly frustrating if someone has a different routine to you, or a slightly different version of hygiene standards (leaving hairs in the sink, not cleaning mirrors properly etc.). To avoid this, you can use his and hers sinks, which means that everything will be just the way that you like it. Plus, it will prevent arguments over whose turn it is to use the sink when you both need to rush out of the door for work.

Heated Mirrors

IL-6 Synergy Illuminated Mirror Heated Demister Pad & Infra-Red Switch 2

Tired of your mirrors misting up and poor bathroom lighting? Then a heated, backlit mirror can be perfect for your bathroom. Plus, if you like the aforementioned relaxing baths, then these can provide the perfect mood lighting for your soak.

Your bathroom mirror is vitally important and is used far more than for just fixing your hair on a morning. For visiting family and friends, the mirror can be a centrepiece that catches their eye, giving them their first impressions of the room. Indulging yourself with a heated, backlit mirror can create a big ‘wow’ factor. Plus, in the future, the bathroom mirror could have an even bigger role in your health than you realised.

Hot tub Baths

Aquasoul-Double-Whirlpool-Bath - Media

Finally, if you’re really looking to make a statement to guests then pick the perfect statement bath to compliment your room. From hot tub baths to claw foot baths to corner baths, there are a multitude of options available, and something to suit every possible taste or style.

The bath you choose will likely be dependent on the amount of room you have available in your bathroom. Although you’ll want your new bath to be a statement, it’s important that it isn’t overbearing, and that it doesn’t dominate the room, making it unusable.

To conclude, there are a number of great ways that you can make your bathroom stand out. Here are just three ideas to start getting your creative juices flowing.


Tags: bathroom, heated mirrors, his and hers sink basins, interior design

Author: Maja Markovski

Maja Markovski

A 35-year-old female architect with a passion for innovative, sustainable design. I blend creativity and functionality to transform spaces into beautiful, practical environments.


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