Refurbishing Your Office To Modern Standards

Many office areas have either undergone renovation and refurbishment or are ideally in need of doing so. If you are refurbishing your office, look at some of the considerations below.


The advancements in technology over the last fifteen years have dramatically altered the way in which your workplace office should look. Large open plan offices designed to accommodate large numbers of workers all used to be sectioned off into little customised cubicles specifically set up for a particular employee. However, with the latest technology in place for both IT and telephony, this needn’t be the case any longer.

Premises Rationalisation

There is massive scope for savings to be made should your organisation operate out of more than one premises in a particular area via a process called premises rationalisation. The amount of square metres allocated per employee can be dramatically reduced with the implementation of modern office design in conjunction with modern technology. No longer does there need to be a specific area of an office dedicated to a specific employee,with mobile working solutions such as wireless networks, laptops, tablet devices and portable IP telephone extensions (which enable you to log into your phone number at any desk), the number of fixed desks and dedicated PCs in an office can be dramatically reduced, and therefore space can be saved.

Office Refurbishment

With the implementation of Wi-Fi capable devices and an all-encompassing Wi-Fi network in your refurbished office, you are increasing your employee’s mobility and their ability to work from anywhere on your premises. This completely changes the way that the floor plan of your office can be designed. You can have a full, modern refurbishment based on fewer dedicated desks and desktop PCs, more centralised multi-function devices in dedicated reprographic rooms and therefore maximise the efficiency of the office space you have available to you.

Not just IT

Although computers, telephones and printers now play a fundamental part of nearly every office in the modern business environment, it isn’t just these aspects that need to be considered in your office refurbishment. Modern kitchen facilities can mean better utilities such as microwaves, fridges and freezers being installed and made available into limited spaces which wouldn’t have been able to accommodate the same facilities ten years ago.

Property Costs

With the cost of office space seemingly ever increasing, it is important to maximise the use of the space that you already have. If you are refurbishing your office, ensure that it’s modern, it utilises the latest technology available and your office can be transformed and utilised to its full potential.



Tags: interior design, office

Author: Maja Markovski

Maja Markovski

A 35-year-old female architect with a passion for innovative, sustainable design. I blend creativity and functionality to transform spaces into beautiful, practical environments.


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