Purple in the Living Room

Today, we wanted to take an interest in purple in the living room. The living room is one of the rooms where we spend the most time and for purple, it’s a color that we like. When it is pale, it is synonymous with freshness and sweetness. When it is dark, it gives the room another look – a feeling of depth. We see you, therefore, propose to discover in the rest of this article what are the options available to you if you want to put purple in your living room.


Like all colors, there are many shades of purple. We can think of purple, purple, mauve, indigo, magenta, plum, depending on how we use purple in the room, it’s a cold color or a warm color. It is cold in small touches, especially in the lighter shades, while it is warm if it is omnipresent in the room and/or in the darkest shades. Purple on the living room walls is therefore often associated with a warm atmosphere. Be careful however, if your room is small, it is better to avoid painting it in dark purple, this will give you the impression that it has shrunk. It is, therefore, preferable to use it sparingly.
The purple on the walls is found in the painting, of course.Β A large number of shades are available in large DIY stores.Β You can also find pigmented coatings that will give volume to a wall.Β Finally, there are wallpapers. For a very long time, purple was associated with romanticism and the idea of ​​baroque in decoration.Β We therefore still find many purple wallpapers of Baroque inspiration.Β But in the world of decoration, everything changes and we begin to see purple appear in the form of more contemporary patterns.


If you are not interested in putting purple on your walls and you prefer to bring a touch of purple color in your living room with the accessories, no problem!Β There are many decorative furniture and accessories available in purple: the sofa, the curtains, the TV cabinet, the carpet, the armchairs. Not to mention the cushion covers, essential accessories to quickly and effectively color your living room!
Purple easily associates with neutral colors like gray, white, or even beige (but this is rarer). The purple + neutral combination will give your room a contemporary atmosphere.Β If you like warmer colors, purple goes well with pink or red for example, however, we find this color combination more easily in a little girl’s room.Β Finally, purple and blue are a winning combination for an amazing and refined interior.

Here we have some extra spaces in purple you might like:











Tags: home decor, interior design, living room, living room decor, purple furniture, purple living room, purple walls

Author: Renata Kralevska

Renata Kralevska

A passionate female writer, I specialize in articles about architecture and home interiors. I love sharing insights and inspiration to help readers create beautiful and functional living spaces.


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