How To Save On Heating And Reduce Your Electricity Bill

This January temperatures have dropped and the cost of electricity has risen again.Β We tell you why this increase is due, how it can be reflected in your bill, and the keys to save on heating. January begins with a snowstorm and extreme cold that leaves Spain with an increase in electricity demand.Β In homes, the colder, the more we need to increase our body temperature with stoves, heating, or hot showers.Β On the other hand, the snowfall and frost derived from Filomena have caused the price of electricity to skyrocket.Β A January in which the slope this year becomes real.Β But how does this increase in the price of electricity affect us?Β Is there a way to save on heating and reduce the bill?

According to electrical data, the increase could translate into aΒ rise of between 20% and 30%Β in the electricity bill for this first section of January, but that could also remit depending on the weather conditions.Β In fact, the increases in electricity are something that comes from afar, since in the last 15 years it has increased its price by 92%.

But there is more, to this expense that must also be added that of water consumption. Because, in general, on cold days like the ones we are experiencing we can spend between 20 and 40 liters more (the price of letting it run for a few more minutes during the shower). In addition to the environmental cost that this implies for the planet.

As we have observed, the electricity bill has risen to 92% in the last 15 years. In fact, if the trend of this beginning of the year continues, it could increase by 21% more, according to sources consulted by

For people and households that are affected by the increase in light, we leave you here some very simple measures toΒ save on heating and reduce the billΒ on this January cost.

1. Insulation of windows is essential

To begin with, insulation is essential in your home, since losses account for 30% of the electricity bill.Β But why does this happen?

These heat losses occur when we do not have adequate windows (the most hermetic are PVC).Β The ideal are double windows, installing elements such as curtains and the like, lowering the blinds when the sun goes down and other little tricks to keep the house warm.

2. Maintain a stable temperature inside the house

Another important aspect is to maintain a stable temperature inside the house (around 19 and 21 degrees Celsius).

In fact, variations can account for 8% of consumption.Β At this point, smart thermostats, which turn off once a temperature is reached, are very helpful.Β During the night we can lower it to 17 degrees.

3. Ventilate in the central hours of the day

Another key that will allow you to save on the bill is to ventilate in the central hours of the day when temperatures are usually higher. Of course, do it for a short period of time and without opening too much.

4. Use energy-saving light bulbs and efficient appliances

Another key aspect is to take advantage of natural light, avoid phantom consumption or opt for low consumption light bulbs, efficient appliances (those with A rating consume 80% less than those of class D and the price difference is amortized in 5 years ).Β Make good use of them and avoid leaving them onΒ standby.

5. Bet on sustainable building

Betting on a sustainable building is still one of the pending subjects of our country. But, choosing a sustainable house can mean 40% energy savings, with the consequent economic savings that this implies.


Tags: decorations, electricity bill, heating, home decor, interior design, light, reduce on heating

Author: Renata Kralevska

Renata Kralevska

A passionate female writer, I specialize in articles about architecture and home interiors. I love sharing insights and inspiration to help readers create beautiful and functional living spaces.


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