A completely white interior design

With its typical colors of North,  harbor area of Antwerp, Belgium, has long exerted a great fascination for locals and tourists. Even Hansi, an architect, is not indifferent to the landscape, and in 2012, looking for a home for himself, his wife Sophie and daughter Olivia, he chose to settle in this area, in front of the sea.  Wishing to move away from a model of life typical of this area,  consisting of large blocks of flats, Hansi designed for his family an original house built vertically. 69 square meters in total, on 5 levels, but where it never feels cramped thanks to the overuse of white, and the abolition of most of the walls, and large windows opening to the outside .

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Tags: design, interior design, white, white interior design

Author: Dragana Agovska



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