16 Super Functional Loft Bed Designs For Adults That Everyone Must See

LoftΒ beds take us back to our childhood, when we shared a room with a brother or sister. But this piece of furniture is not just for children’s rooms. There are many ideas for interior design that includes loftΒ beds for adults, and are particularly suitable for small apartments, as well as houses. If you’re creative enough to come up with and with some excellent designer to share your ideas, this piece of furniture will become your corner of your dreams.

It must be recognized that the invention loftΒ beds were quite helpful and smart idea. LoftΒ beds are used in order to save space, in order to in minimum square meters, to be situated as many guests, children, soldiers, prisoners or more for anyone else, as required by the needs. We can see how successful is the idea, how accepted and fruitful, by the fact that the loftΒ beds are still in use, they are still popular, and they are still producing, selling and buying. If you have a lack of space, then it is a great solution. So even if you have enough space in your home, this could be an interesting choice, and another way to decorate your place for sleep. Now browse our creative collection, and you will find many useful examples!




Image via Lucy Call


Image via Brady Architectural Photography






Tags: bed design, loft bed design, small apartment, small space

Author: Ana Duovska


''Some people look for a beautiful place, others make a place beautiful.''


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