10 Steps To Take After A Major Home Renovation

A major home renovation is likely to be one of the most stressful projects you ever take on. You need to find all the right contractors, monitor their progress, coordinate between plumbers, electricians, and builders, and constantly reassess whether the job is turning out as you planned. You need to do all of this while fretting about the possibility that your beloved home will face catastrophic damage.

When the renovations are completed, your instinct might be to wrap it all up as soon as possible. However, before you move on with your newly renovated home, you need to take certain steps to make sure everything is in order.

The following 10 steps are non-negotiable after a major home renovation.

1. Do a final walkthrough with an objective third party

Doing a final walkthrough with your contractors is the bare minimum once the job is done. Ideally, you should take an objective third party with you. This could be a friend or colleague who will notice issues that you might miss from weariness or because you simply got used to them. Do not pay your contractors their final instalment until everything is in order.

2. Clean thoroughly

Your home is going to be covered in dust and dirt after a major home renovation. You will need to do some deep cleaning in order to get it to a liveable state. The reality is that you will likely be finding dust in nooks and crannies for weeks afterwards no matter how well you clean. Nonetheless, consider hiring a team of cleaners to get your home in tip-top shape.

3. Update your homeowners insurance

You will need to update your homeowners insurance to make sure you are covered for all the improvements you’ve made. In fact, your insurance company will almost certainly require a reassessment of your home after a remodel. They will raise your premium accordingly in order that you get your money’s worth in the case of a disaster.

4. Check vents and filters

Your contractors should work to ensure that airflow and filterage is in proper order once the job is done. Your health is at stake, after all. However, because your health is at stake, you should double check. This is especially important if you or one of your family members has asthma or a similar respiratory condition.

5. Update home warranties

If you have a home warranty in place, you will need to update this as well. If you do not have a home warranty, consider whether it is worth getting one. After all, you will need to do maintenance and repairs every year regardless.

6. Redecorate

Since you have done a major home renovation, there may be structural changes that impact the entire look and feel of your home. Furniture and decor that may have looked incredible before may now seem out of place. If you need ideas take a have a look online there are plenty just waiting to be discovered or hire a professional to advise you on what your home needs to look as chic as it did before.

You may need to sell some of your old furniture and buy some new pieces. You can minimize the cost by looking for vintage items that are still in great condition.

7. Determine a maintenance schedule

Every homeowner should have a maintenance schedule that they follow every year. This ensures that your home does not fall into disrepair simply because you forgot to take care of certain issues. Your old maintenance schedule will no longer be appropriate after the renovation, and you should spend some time recreating it.

8. Ask your contractors about maintenance

If you’re happy with the work your contractors have done, ask them to give you input for your maintenance schedule. They will be happy to be considered as part of the schedule to take care of issues when necessary. Good contractors will not charge unfairly for maintenance, as they will value the long-term relationship with you more than the occasional quick cash grab.

9. Get a humidifier for your room

No matter how well you clean, there will always be fumes and dust that takes a while to leave. You may find yourself waking up every morning with a sore throat and running nose. Get a humidifier for your bedroom to keep the air moist and comfortable for respiration.

10. Show it off

Now that it is possible to invite friends and family over again, take the opportunity to show your renovated home off. Have a dinner party that serves as a kind of second housewarming. Make sure to take advantage of any extra comforts and extravagances included in your remodel.


Tags: cleaning, home, interior, renovation

Author: Maja Markovski

Maja Markovski

A 35-year-old female architect with a passion for innovative, sustainable design. I blend creativity and functionality to transform spaces into beautiful, practical environments.


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