Why You Should Choose Garden Greenhouse For Your Green Paradise

Do you have a green thumb?Β To indulge in your favorite hobby all year round, dare the garden greenhouse!Β From purchase to installation, including the crops to favor, find out how to choose your garden greenhouse and equip it well.

Allowing to establish a real microclimate within it, theΒ garden greenhouse is traditionally considered an annex of the garden.Β It makes it possible to extend the cultivation period considerably.Β It is therefore readily used for seedlings andΒ cuttingsΒ in anticipation of spring plantings, but also to overwinter plants that are too fragile to face the frosts of winter.Β TheΒ greenhouse is not, however, reserved only for conventional crops: it is also an ideal environment for cultivating exotic plants, which would have difficulty flourishing in our climate!

Which garden greenhouse to choose?There are aΒ wide variety of garden greenhouses.Β The most common is the so-called ” tunnel ” greenhouse.Β If it is very effective for sheltering seedlings and cuttings, it is often unattractive.Β To enjoy a quality greenhouse while beautifying the garden, we will therefore prefer the glass greenhouse.Β But in the harshest climates, we will rather bet onΒ polycarbonate.

What is the ideal size for a garden greenhouse?

In addition, to effectively choose a greenhouse, there is no question of being wrong about the area!Β It must indeed allow you to have the necessary space for the type of use for which you intend it.Β If it is only a question of protecting a few plants in winter, a small area of ​​5 m2 will suffice.Β On the other hand, it is difficult to sow and take cuttings in too small a space!Β Moreover, if you want toΒ overwinterΒ a large number of plants, keep in mind that each one needs its living space, otherwise fungi and diseases will proliferate.Β Your greenhouse should also be well ventilated.Β Finally, depending on your region, certain options may be necessary: ​​heating or sun curtain, for example.


Tags: decorations, garden, garden greenhouse, greenhouse, home decor, outdoor design

Author: Renata Kralevska

Renata Kralevska

A passionate female writer, I specialize in articles about architecture and home interiors. I love sharing insights and inspiration to help readers create beautiful and functional living spaces.


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