How to Transform Your Home Office with Upcycled Accessories

Upcycling old materials is very fashionable at the moment, and is a great way of turning an old, unwanted object into something beautiful. Upcycling essentially involves giving recycled materials a new lease of life by adapting them to serve a different purpose; the opportunities are endless. Upcycled office accessories, if you have a new a new office space in need of decoration, will help create the perfect productive atmosphere to keep you inspired. There are many sources of inspiration on the internet for upcycling ideas, with many budding interior designers taking advantage of blogging platform packages like this one, so there’s no shortage of interesting ideas for you to cherry pick from. We have been scouring the net for some such ideas for the home office, and have chosen a few our favorites to kick start your inspiration.


Upcycled Lampshades

Lighting is a vital aspect to any home office. Thankfully there are lots of different creative ideas for using upcycled materials to create cool, quirky lampshades. From old lampshades stripped of their fabric, revealing the beautiful craftsmanship of the wire frames, to hand embroidered lampshades, there are many ways to give an old light a new lease of life. You could also utilize any unused fabrics you may have around the house to create interesting and unique patterns for your light fixtures.

25 Artistic Handmade Paper Lampshades (12)

Creative Storage Units

Old Pallets are a fantastic material for creating upcycled accessories. They are cheap, and are often made from pretty good quality wood, which after a bit of sanding and varnishing will look beautiful. Pallets are especially great for making shelving units, which are easy to make and will look stylish, and unique. Perfect for keeping stationary, files, or books, shelves made from pallets will add a unique rustic charm to your home office.


Recycled Stationary

Recycled stationary will add the perfect final touches to your upcycled home office. Have a look at these stunning notebooks made from old newspapers, and pencils made from old twigs. We also love the stationary holders and pencil cases made from old cereal boxes on this upcycling blog. You could also use old plastic bottles for stationary holders, or make envelopes out of old bubble wrap to store your important documents. The possibilities for making stylish and imaginative accessories for the home office are endless. Don’t just take our word for it though, give it a try and see how you can transform your workspace without breaking the bank.




Author: Maja Markovski

Maja Markovski

A 35-year-old female architect with a passion for innovative, sustainable design. I blend creativity and functionality to transform spaces into beautiful, practical environments.


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