Reasons to Replace Old Edmonton Windows For New Ones

Because winter in Canada is quite intense, you should have to be prepared before it’s too late. The first and foremost thing that you must turn to is thinking of ways to cut down your energy bills. For this, you can contact Windows Doors Mart where, the experts will recommend you to replace old Edmonton windows with new, energy efficient ones. Doesn’t sound convincing? Aren’t you satisfied with their energy efficiency feature? Well, then let’s have a look at other features.

Old Age

The biggest reason behind replacing Edmonton windows is their old age, especially those having wooden sashes. Since the temperature can go above and beyond 40 degrees, the windows should be replaced after a certain time period because wood can rot and expose cavities that allow water to leak in.

Another common problem with old windows is inefficient opening mechanism, consisting of window cranks and sliders on aluminum windows. Dirt, corrosion and paint build-up can also be the cause of windows’ inefficiency.

Style and Preference

Most of the Canadian homes have aluminum or vinyl clad windows that are incapable of complementing modern home designs both interior and exterior. The simple aluminum may look corroded and unpleasant but when it is polished and homeowners apply some creativity, it will shine. The best part about installing vinyl Edmonton windows is that they look clean, bold and can add an aesthetic appeal to the home.

View and Vista

In past years, Canadians used to construct their homes with small windows for conserving energy but, they ended up with spending a lot more than they had expected. So, the manufacturers started working on the problem and it is the outcome of their efforts that there are numerous types of windows available in the market.

Saving Energy

With increase in energy bills, homeowners started to think of replacing their Edmonton windows with something that can save energy and reduce their bills. In previous versions, people used to add glasses for adding beauty but they overlooked the fact that glasses are good conductor and therefore, they can easily lose energy.

Single-paned windows failed to satisfy their needs and the manufacturers introduced double-paned windows that worked well and helped homeowners to overcome energy loss. However, convection current didn’t prove to be successful as far as insulation is concerned. The reason behind is that the outer pane was cool while the inner pane was warm due to which, a vacuum is created that transferred heat from inside to outside.

Acoustic Qualities

Since most of the people are living in metropolitan areas, they always have to deal with offending sounds or noises around their homes, including aircraft or traffic. In order to overcome this issue, single-paned Edmonton windows can be a good option however, adding two more paned will add acoustic qualities to the windows that will increase the value of the wall.

Windows Doors Mart can be a trusted source to get this task done as their experts are having years of experience and will thoroughly analyze the problem before going to work on it.


Tags: acoustic, edmonton windows, old age, old windows, qualities, replace, saving energy, style, view

Author: Maja Markovski

Maja Markovski

A 35-year-old female architect with a passion for innovative, sustainable design. I blend creativity and functionality to transform spaces into beautiful, practical environments.


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