How to Liven Up Your Office

As much as you might not like to admit it, there’s a chance that you spend more time in work or at your desk than you do at home, relaxing. However, your eight hours a day don’t have to be spend in a boring and unfulfilling environment – even if it’s at work.

Offices are usually dull and contain drab, monotone furniture. However, the design and layout of your office could have a huge impact on your productivity levels, meaning that a slight change in décor could do you the world of good!

If you’re wanting to liven up your office and transform it into a fun and exciting workspace, this guide will show you the best techniques:

Use bold pieces

One of the simplest ways to make any grey décor not look boring is to incorporate bold items into the space. This detracts the eye from plain walls and old carpets, giving you (and anyone else visiting your office!) something fun to look at.

You can do this by incorporating plants around the office, or displaying some artwork on the wall to bring some life into the space.

Mix fabrics

You can also experiment with the fabrics and materials that you’re using in your office. A combination of different materials provides you with something interesting to look at and can make your office environment feel much cosier, too!

This can be done by filling large spaces in your office with comfortable seating that is both stylish and practical. For example, a luxury leather sofa will provide visitors with a space to relax when visiting your premises and when paired with soft linen cushions, can act as a statement piece within your office.

Play with colours

Adding colour is another fantastic way to liven up a boring office. Whilst this may be the most difficult option to incorporate into the existing interior design of your office, it’s a great way to make your space spur creativity.

If you’re able to paint the walls of your office, you could opt for a bright green or red shade to liven up the space. However, if you’re stuck with plain walls, you can still get a similar effect by including colour in your office by displaying brightly coloured designs or vintage poster prints within the space.

Experiment with furniture

When was the last time you updated the desks or chairs in your office, which are used every day? If the answer was a long time ago, you could use this as your chance to liven up your workspace by replacing the furniture!

When purchasing a new desk, consider getting one that is large enough to hold items without looking cluttered. Your new chair upgrade could feature a new colour or act as a statement piece; combining two of our techniques within one.

As you can see, you don’t have to be stuck with a boring and unfulfilling office. By using these techniques to bring life into the space, you’ll be feeling much more creative and productive in no time!


Author: Maja Markovski

Maja Markovski

A 35-year-old female architect with a passion for innovative, sustainable design. I blend creativity and functionality to transform spaces into beautiful, practical environments.


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