Essential Home Upgrades You Need Right Now

Without a doubt, your home reflects your personality, giving the world a glimpse of your interests and preferences. Since your house is your personal sanctuary where you can just kick back and relax, it must always stay in tip-top shape. However, you might notice that it is looking a bit worse for wear, especially if you have had the same house for years. Home upgrades can be costly, but they increase the value of your home in case you need to sell it later, not to mention that they can make you enjoy staying in more.

So, if you have been thinking about upgrading your home but do not know where to start, check out the next few essential upgrades.

Choose Your Theme

First things first, before you purchase a vintage carpet and modern wallpaper, you need to settle on a theme if you do not want your home to look like a fiesta of unmatched pieces. A complete home revamp can be both an expensive and time-consuming process, so you have to make sure your house looks great in the end. Start with browsing the web for ideas, and consult your family. You do not want your spouse or kids to end up hating the new look of their home. It is also a good idea to seek the guidance of a home designer because they can suggest new ideas. Also, you must set a budget and not go over it. Do not worry though, as many cheap options on the market will not break the bank.

Garden Upgrades

Once you settle on your theme, you should always start with the exterior of your house because it is the first thing guests and buyers notice. If you have a garden, you can start by contacting a specialist garden designer to change how your outdoor space looks. You can include the following upgrades:

  • Trees and flowers: The greatest upgrade you can include is planting new trees and flowers. This might seem like a minor upgrade, but it can totally alter the vibe of your garden. However, you do not have to go big; small decorative trees, such as the crab apple, Juneberry, and Japanese maple should do the trick. Moreover, planting some colorful flowers like lilies, French Marigolds, and Petunias can add a pop of color to any dull-looking garden. Do not also forget to shape your lawn. Shapes like squares and circles can help make your garden seem more polished.
  • Furniture and Structures: If you are a fan of throwing parties in your garden, you must add some cozy furniture. By simply including some cushions and a bench, you can make it more inviting. For a more sophisticated look, you can even add a gazebo and some fairy lights.
  • A pond: This one can be a bit over the top, but adding a small pond can elevate the look of your outdoor space. You just need to dig a small hole and add a pond liner. Then, fill it with water, and decorate it with some rocks.

Garage Upgrades

Most people think that upgrading their garages is not that essential. Nevertheless, doing so can significantly increase the value of your house and make it look well-put together. As always, start with the exterior. The experts at Discount Garage Door point out that changing your garage door can be a worthwhile investment. Of course, stick with the theme you have in mind, and find the option that matches it. Most likely, you will need a professional to install the doors and ensure that they function as intended. In addition to new garage doors, other renovations may include:

  • Organization: If your garage is cluttered, then it is high time you purchased some cabinets. Cabinets can help you store your tools and make your garage more spacious. Alternatively, you can get overhead storage units to hang your things on the wall.
  • Floors: Simply adding a polyaspartic coating to your garage floor can give it a gleaming, glass-like finish, making your garage even more polished.
  • Insulation: Insulating your garage is a must, especially if winter is bitterly cold where you live. Proper insulation can save you a pretty penny by lowering your energy bills.
  • A car lift: This is the most expensive garage upgrade you can go for. Nonetheless, it is a great choice if you have more than one car. Installing a car lift can help you park two cars at once even if you have a small garage.

Living Room Upgrades

Now that you are done with the exterior of your home, you can move on to its interior. It is best to start with your living room because this is where you host your guests. Your living room might need some extra work, but it will be worth it in the end. Some of the ideas you can implement involve:

  • Walls: By just giving your walls a fresh coat of paint, you can breathe life into your living room. Choose a neutral palette for the best result, as you can easily match such colors with your furniture. If you are into intricate designs and prints, opt for wallpaper instead. There is a wide selection of designs you can choose from based on your theme.
  • Floors: Giving the floor of your living room an upgrade does not have to be hard. In case you like DIY projects, you may easily repaint the floors. Dark colors like black are very fashionable right now. Alternatively, vinyl tile is the way to go. It is available in many stylish shapes and colors, so you can take your pick.
  • Decorations: For an extra touch of elegance, invest in some fancy decorations. Chandeliers, in particular, can give your living room area a Parisian vibe that is sure to impress your neighbors and friends. Adding some greenery as well cannot hurt; you may choose real plants or synthetic ones based on your preferences. However, beware of natural plants if you have allergies! Another great upgrade is adding crown molding and faux wood beams, which give your ceiling an alluring look and make the room look bigger.
  • A smart home system: the future is now! With just $500, you can turn your home into a smart house. A smart home system allows you to control the lights around your house and its thermostat using voice commands. You can also connect the system to your phone for keyless entry; how nifty!

Kitchen Upgrades

Your kitchen is where the magic happens! To prep food in style, you need to give your kitchen some extra care. Luckily, kitchen upgrades are not overly expensive, and you can DIY some of them to save even more money. You can utilize the following ideas:

  • Sink and faucets: If your sink looks rusty, then there is no way around getting a new one. Yet, go for stainless-steel sinks because they are easier to clean. Moreover, do not forget about your faucets. You can easily fix them yourself if you notice dripping. To make your faucets more convenient, install pull-down ones.
  • Cabinets: After using your kitchen for years, your cabinets can look dull and even a bit greasy. Simply, repaint your cabinets and change their knobs for a new look. Cheerful colors like yellow are perfect for any kitchen. Also, in case your cabinet doors are squeaky, install new soft-closing hinges to eliminate this noise.
  • Lighting: Some minor changes like installing new lights can give your kitchen a complete overhaul. Opt for an under cabinet lighting because it is both practical and visually pleasing.
  • Tile Backsplash: Instead of dull, neutral walls, how about you buy tile backsplash? You will not even need a professional to install it because you can easily get the peel-and-stick variety which is easier to apply.

Bathroom Upgrades

There is no need to rush your daily shower anymore. With some improvements, your bathroom will resemble a spa. To take your bathroom to the next level, consider the next suggestions:

  • Tiles: The easiest way to give your bathroom a new look is to install new tiles. There are a variety of shapes and designs to choose from. So, according to your theme, you will surely find something to your liking.
  • A steam shower: If you really want to get the full spa experience, go for a steam shower. You can also include benches and heated towel bars, which are very affordable, to crank it up a notch.
  • Heat flooring: Although it is not the cheapest upgrade, a radiant heat system can give your bathroom a more luxurious feel. You do not have to worry anymore about walking barefoot on the cold tiles, as installing a radiant heat system under your bathroom floor will easily solve this issue.
  • A new toilet: This idea can double as an upgrade and a money-saving strategy. By getting a toilet with a hidden tank, your bathroom will look much bigger. To save some money, opt for low-flow toilets, which use less water every time you flush.
  • Lighting: Because you shave or apply makeup in your bathroom every day, you need to make sure it is well-lit. An easy upgrade is to add a window to let in natural light. You can also add a chandelier, if you want a fancier look.

Bedroom Upgrades

Now, it is time to upgrade your favorite room: the bedroom! This is where you are more likely to spend your time, so you need to personalize this room in particular to your liking. Choose the colors you love, and go from there. You can use these ideas:

  • A new bed: Nothing screams β€œrenovation” more than a new bed. Do not settle for the old, boring models. The sky’s the limit; you can add a touch of drama to elevate the look of your room by buying a Victorian-style bed. If you want a contemporary look though, go for a more modern design. Alternatively, an adjustable bed can be a great option if you suffer from backaches, as it can take the shape of your body and be adjusted to your liking, helping you feel more rested in the morning.
  • Walls: Similar to what we have suggested before, changing the color of your bedroom walls, is the best upgrade you can make. Choose wallpaper that complements the style of your bed. For a more dramatic flair, consider wall upholstery. Adding textures like velvet to your walls gives the room an air of mystery.
  • Windows: Floor-length windows are a great addition to any bedroom, especially if your room has a great view. Nevertheless, they can compromise your privacy, so you can couple them with heavy curtains in hues that match your bed and walls.
  • Furniture: If your room looks bare, then you probably need to add some furniture. Start with a wooden desk and two night stands in the same color. Shades of brown and black are the best because they go with any style. Also, including an armchair can make your room cozier.
  • A fireplace: For those freezing winter nights, a fireplace can make a world of difference. In addition to the exquisite aesthetic it adds to any bedroom, a fireplace can be convenient as well, especially if you get an electric one, which does not require logs to operate.

Extra Upgrades

In addition to the previous upgrades, you can add some extra ones if your budget allows it. Keep in mind that such improvements are not essential, but they can make your home more luxurious. These include

  • A pool: You do not need to leave the comfort of your home to cool off; with a pool, you can have the perfect staycation. Yet, remember that your pool will need continuous maintenance to stay in good shape, which entails extra costs.
  • Central air conditioning: Instead of installing many AC units in your home, install a central air conditioning system. Realistically, it can cost you up to $10000 if your house is big, but it is more energy-efficient, saving you money in the long run.

Not only does upgrading your home increase its value, but it also improves your living conditions, giving you a more luxurious experience. Although these improvements can be expensive, they are definitely worth it. So, what are you waiting for? Try our ideas now to give your home a new look!


Tags: bathroom, bedroom, home, kitchen, upgrades

Author: Maja Markovski

Maja Markovski

A 35-year-old female architect with a passion for innovative, sustainable design. I blend creativity and functionality to transform spaces into beautiful, practical environments.


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