Essential Elements for Designing an Outstanding Event Space

The task of putting together an event space for special occasions sounds like a simple assignment for designers and decorators. But the truth is that setting up an event space can be difficult for those who are unprepared. Not only does it require a delicate balance between form and function, but event space design must also incorporate the specific aims of the event planners while working within the limitations of the space itself.

While no two event space design plans are the same, common elements tend to thread through every event planning situation. More times than not, these elements are essential for achieving an outstanding event space:

Tents and canopies

Whether happening outside, indoors, or a combination of the two, tents and canopies are an important element of event space design. They serve as beacons for activity and attention, provide shelter from the heat and weather, and invoke a sense of legitimacy for the event itself.  Better yet, most event tents and canopies can be custom designed to fit branding, color scheme, and other decorating parameters. This ensures event planners achieve the goals they set for themselves while also providing their guests with an entertaining, enjoyable, and comfortable atmosphere.


This is one of the trickier elements of event space design, one which will test the merits of the decorators and designers responsible for merging form and function. The decorations ought to be unintrusive for the sake of the primary functions of the event, while also being unobtrusive in order to accentuate the theme and atmosphere. For example, an event being held by an association of beekeepers and honey producers might benefit from paper ball light decorations made to look like beehives being strung up along the pathways between areas of interest.


Most events in which an event space is required are meant to encourage people to move around as much as possible. However, there should still be ample seating for guests to rest and catch their breath. Seating may also be needed for ceremonies, performances, and presentations. It’s important to position the seating in a way that serves the purpose of the event. Most event equipment rental services provide several options for chair colors and type, so choose wisely.


Many events are centered around a primary stage area. This central space might be used for live music, speeches, award-giving, or any number of special events and ceremonies. The look and feel of the stage will depend on what it’s meant for, but most event space designers should err on the side of caution. Stick to neutral colors and traditional lighting setups. Avoid overwhelming curtains and backdrops. At the same time, include details to distinguish the stage from the rest of the event space.


While especially important for events happening in outdoor spaces at night, lighting is still something to consider when designing for an event taking place during the day or indoors. Lighting affects the mood of a setting, meaning the amount of light and type of light will make a tremendous difference in the atmosphere of event space.

Event space design might seem no-brainer at first glance, but the reality is that each event has its own distinct criteria for making it work right and look great at the same time. With that said, at their cores, event spaces almost always consist of a handful of essential elements. Start with them and work outward in order to devise an outstanding event space design.


Tags: decoration, design, event, Outstanding Event Space, stage

Author: Maja Markovski

Maja Markovski

A 35-year-old female architect with a passion for innovative, sustainable design. I blend creativity and functionality to transform spaces into beautiful, practical environments.


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