Deep Clean Your Fridge with these Tips

Imagine how inconvenient life would be if fridges were never invented!

The fridge is one of the most essential appliances in your home. It is the cornerstone for food storage in your kitchen, experts advise to give it a deep clean every 3 to 6 months. Checking the condition of your fridge is as important as keeping it clean all the time.

Here are a few fridge deep cleaning tips that can help the cleanliness of your kitchen:

Check the user manual

Fridge cleaning is an easy task, but it wouldn’t hurt to rescan the manual to find out the correct way of doing things and avoiding damage when cleaning your refrigerator.

The proper cleaning procedures are always outlined in your fridge’s user guide and it is a must to look at before cleaning, especially if you’re using a newer model or have a fridge with delicate surfaces like those made from stainless steel. If you don’t have the user manual, check out the manufacturer’s website online.

Empty the fridge!

Remove everything from the fridge. Dispose of food that has past its time. Put dairy products, meat and other food in a cool bag with a sealed top. It is essential to keep it cool as bacteria can multiply quickly at room temperature.

Bonus Tip: Deep clean the fridge before the weekly shopping as there will be less food.

Use natural cleaners

Natural cleaners are the safest cleaning solutions to use for deep cleaning your fridge. Bleach is a no-no! It leaves a pungent smell and can also damage the surfaces.  Wipe the exteriors and interiors of the fridge using baking soda or white vinegar solution. Baking soda and white vinegar have disinfecting and deodorising properties that can effectively deep clean your fridge.

You can also use a mild dish soap mix with warm water to wash the shelves and salad crispers.

Scrub gently

Wash the shelves and drawers like you wash the dishes. Scrub it gently to avoid damage.

Washing it in your bathtub or big utility sink, or even outdoors using a hose will be easier. Once everything is washed, set them aside and let it dry naturally.

 Avoid using hot water when wiping the interiors

It’s good to use hot water for cleaning the shelves and salad crispers but not for wiping the interior of the fridge. Why? It raises the temperature of the fridge, which delays getting your food back in the air. Instead, rinse a clean cloth in a cold baking soda solution and use it to wipe the interior of the fridge.

Pay attention to the grooves and sides of the fridge where the shelves rest. You can also use cotton buds to remove dirt from fiddly places such as the drip hole.

When you’re done, dry the fridge using a clean paper towel or cloth.

Do not overlook the exterior surfaces

Deep cleaning the fridge is not all about keeping the interior sparkling clean but also making sure that outside surfaces are free from dirt. Use a clean dampened cloth soaked in soapy water to wipe the exterior surfaces of the fridge. Wipe the door handle, door, top and bottom of the fridge.

If you’re cleaning a stainless steel exterior it’s best to use a solution of vinegar, water and a fresh microfibre cloth.

It can be risky to use microfibre cloths that aren’t new, there can be microscopic particles that can etch into the stainless steel causing unsightly scratches that can be nigh impossible to fix.

Bonus Tip: Mop and dry the area where your fridge stands. Sometimes the moist at the bottom emits a bad smell.

 When you’re done

Put everything back. Return the shelves and drawers into their places.

You can also use this opportunity to secure the condiments jars. Open every jar and check for moulds. Throw the ones that have past their time already. Tighten the caps and wipe the jars with a clean cloth or paper towel before putting it back in the fridge. Then return meat, dairy, food and other perishables inside the fridge.

The Secret to Keeping Your Fridge Clean

Here’s how you can keep your fridge clean. Know the designated areas for putting meat, fish, dairy products, fresh herbs, condiments, drinks and other stuff. If you know how to store things correctly in your fridge, chances are. It won’t get too dirty! It saves cleaning time, plus your fridge will be sparkling clean and safe for storage.

Take out food that has gone bad or anything that you don’t want to eat. Inspect the fridge for spoiled food before taking out the rubbish. With this routine, you’ll break the habit of having spoiled leftover food in the fridge, which can cause a bad smell.

I know you’re always worried about leftovers. Transfer them to small containers. Serve it for dinner, take it to work for lunch or give it away.

Final Say

The fridge could be one of the most overlooked items when we clean our home. Whether we don’t think about it or assume that it is relatively clean because it is kept closed at all times.

The truth is… cross-contamination, spills, bacteria, bad smells and the rest let’s not talk about it, are a few reasons why you need to keep your fridge clean. So, start deep cleaning your fridge now!


Tags: cleaining, fridge, house, house keeping, tips

Author: Maja Markovski

Maja Markovski

A 35-year-old female architect with a passion for innovative, sustainable design. I blend creativity and functionality to transform spaces into beautiful, practical environments.


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