A 6-Item Checklist For Your Laundry Renovation Project

Not so many people can start a renovation project on their own as doing so would require adequate knowledge, proper skills, creative ideas, and the right tools. If you’re not one who possesses any of these, you may be anxious about getting things started with your next renovation project, such as your laundry room. Surely, you’d want to make sure every penny spent on it will be worth it. And if ever another renovation is needed, you’d want it to be 20, 30, or so years down the line.

With proper guidance, however, you’d be able to achieve this goal. To help you out, you can take advantage of this short checklist for any laundry renovations you wish to get started on.

1. Washing machine

Your washing machine is the star of the show, so your laundry renovation project should revolve around it. Before anything else, determine if your current machine is capable of making your laundry life more effortless. Check if your machine is big enough to handle all the wash load you have every week. Alternatively, determine the amount of time you can dedicate to your laundry. A small washing machine is good enough to deal with large loads if you have enough time in your hands.

Also, consider if you’re getting a top-load or front-load machine. Aside from convenience, price, and added features, choosing the best loading type can let you plan your laundry room renovation. For instance, opting for a top load can let you place the appliance in a tight space, unlike a front load, which demands more floor room.

2. Dryer

Next to the washing machine is your dryer. Getting one depends on the size of your property and the weather. If you have a yard and it’s always sunny in your area, you can get away without a tumble dryer. However, if you don’t have a place to hang a clothesline and it always rains where you live, consider getting a dryer.

Before buying one, be sure to take account of your laundry room’s space. If the space is limited, consider getting an all-in-one washing and drying machine. But if you have more space, you can buy a regular electric dryer. And if space isn’t a problem but you don’t want to deal with larger electricity bills, you can opt for a gas dryer.

3. Location

After dealing with the two most essential appliances for your laundry room, it’s time to think about the location. While planning your renovation or house remodeling, you want to ensure you place your laundry room on the ground floor with direct access to your yard, where you can hang your clothes to dry. However, if you’re stuck with a laundry room on the second floor or with no access outside, consider checking contemporary laundry room designs to overcome this conundrum.

4. Flooring

The next thing you need to think about is your flooring. Ideally, your laundry room’s floor should be waterproof, nonslip, and easy to clean. If possible, the flooring should have a bit of a slope to allow water to flow and accumulate in one side or corner, where you can install a drainage hole.

Some homeowners prefer installing ceramic tiles, while others opt to use vinyl tiles or planks. If you plan to use vinyl, be sure to allow a professional to install it as substandard installation jobs can lead to curling, warping, cupping, peaking, cracking, or peeling of the floor. It could even cause the growth of molds and mildew.

5. Ventilation, lighting, and walls

No matter how high-tech and expensive your laundry appliances are, they can still make your laundry room damp and humid. Because of this, make sure to have windows, where wet air can escape and warm sunlight can come in. But if having windows isn’t possible, consider installing exhaust or extractor fans.

Aside from ventilation, think about the room’s walls. If you have the budget, ensure the walls are made from mildew- and mold-resistant drywall or panel. Also, use mold-resistant paint or moisture-resistant wallpaper on them.

6. Storage and secondary laundry necessities

Laundry rooms aren’t always built for clothes alone. Often, they serve as storage rooms and cleaning cupboards as well. Here, you can place all your laundry tools, products, and materials—like mops, brooms, detergent, and other supplies—when they’re not in use.

When renovating your laundry room, be sure to dedicate a corner or wall to cabinets and closets, where you can store some of your clothes and stuff. Other things you might want to add in your laundry room are the following:

  • Clothes basket
  • Laundry cabinet
  • Hanging rack
  • Folding station
  • Double sink


These are just some of the essentials you should worry about when planning your laundry renovation project. Also, if you have kids and pets, you may want to ensure you get the room proofed for them. Once you get these things settled, you can move on and worry about the design and little luxuries you want to add to your laundry room.


Tags: flooring, interior, lighting, location, project, renovation, ventilation, walls

Author: Maja Markovski

Maja Markovski

A 35-year-old female architect with a passion for innovative, sustainable design. I blend creativity and functionality to transform spaces into beautiful, practical environments.


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