19 Super Easy DIY Flower Pots That You Can Do For Free

In the stores you can find different pots for flowers and plants, but they are not always interesting and good-looking. That’s why we offer you some inspirational ideas how to easily update your old, or make new pots. There are old pots in each house which you can give a new life. So do not throw them away, because that way you will not only save the environment from pollution, but also you will save money. If you want to originally decorate your pots, it is enough to find a lace or old shawls with different patterns and glue. The lace can be any color. Wrap the pot with lace and then glue it.

To get a completely new ambience in the interior, sometimes it’s enough just to paint some things. If this idea seems too banal to you, apply the color in an unusual way. In a bucket of water, add a thin stream of acrylic paint in two or three different shades. Then lightly lower the pots in the bucket and turn it so that it covers all the colors.
Old refractory containers, pots, cups and even shoes can be used as pots. Add to them a little color, decor and the trash will become treasure in your garden. For smaller plants, you can use cups or old bottles. These are some simple ideas how to make unique pots for your flowers and pots, and more inspirational ideas, you can see in our creative collection below!






Tags: diy, flower pots, pots

Author: Ana Duovska


''Some people look for a beautiful place, others make a place beautiful.''


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