18 Lovely Kitchen Design Ideas with Stone Walls

Because of its big role of connecting the family, the kitchen should be appropriate placed in the housing. Arrange the kitchen depends on the size and shape of the room. Sometimes to get a good and proper arrangement of elements it is necessary to alter the position of the door and window.

Rustic style attracts people who appreciate traditional values ​​built into furniture, or items in the kitchen.The main feature of rustic kitchens are stylish features of the past, coupled with quality and functionality. Retro-look of the kitchen is often the result of hand-made items, which gives character to the kitchens. Also specially processed wood and stone walls can be the best rustic decor for evey room. If you are willng to change something in your kitchen, we suggest you to think about transforming your kitchen in rustic style. It will get a whole new look that will attract your family and guests.


Source www.vanguardstudio.com


Source www.hillisbolte.com


Source www.peacedesign.org


Source www.echeloncustomhomes.com


Tags: kitchen design, rustic style, stone wall kitchen

Author: Ana Duovska


''Some people look for a beautiful place, others make a place beautiful.''


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