17 Truly Inspirational Ideas To Decorate Functional Small Living Room

Did you know that by properly choosing a furniture, a small living room can visually expand and make seemingly bigger and more spacious than it really is. Namely, choosing the right color, style, design and proportion of the furniture, greatly influences the feel of spaciousness, but also the comfort of every small room.

In order to make the central room for relaxation and enjoyment, as comfortable as possible for your stay, and to expand it visually, we bring you a few decorating tricks and guidelines to help you how to choose the right furniture. Pay attention to the visual weight of the furniture, not just the actual proportions, size and weight. For example, brighter colors are much lighter than dark, massive and stuffed pieces. In smaller living rooms, chairs, armrests or armchairs with feet, do not block the floor, so the space looks more open. Metal and glass shelves also visually occupy less space. One of the best ways of extending a small living room is the use of neutral colors for furniture, carpets, walls, decorations, curtains, etc. If you use some of these creative advices, you will transform every space, so the overall impression of the room will be more different. Pastel furnishings, white walls, bright and neutral colors of the curtains, carpets and blankets, make the room lighter and even greater.









Tags: living room, small living room, visually expand

Author: Ana Duovska


''Some people look for a beautiful place, others make a place beautiful.''


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