17 Cheerful Ideas To Transform Every Child’s Room

Here are some great examples to inspire you to change the look of your child’s room. With the help of a bright color bench, the whole space will look brighter. Add a lamp, pictures, blankets, carpet and more accessories for a fuller effect. Pay attention to the largest surfaces – wall, floor and bed as they dominate the space. Some interesting wallpaper pattern (even on one wall), a cheerful rug and a vibrant color blanket, will transform the space for the blink of an eye.

If you decide to make a major change, it can be a new or maybe repainted bed. This variant immediately catches the eye and yellow is a great solution for both boys and girls. The easiest way to change the appearance of a wall is to get a huge poster that will decorate big part of the wall. The image of the rainbow color palette and striped carpets are a great match and bring a serenity to this room, when the furniture is completely neutral. Simple but effective. Make the room special with details such as a cute chair next to the bed, a globe and a balloon of striking color. These are some of the examples that you can use to cheer up the room of you child!









Tags: decor, decorations., kid's room

Author: Ana Duovska


''Some people look for a beautiful place, others make a place beautiful.''


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