17 Big Designer Solutions For Small Kitchens

Kitchen arrangement is an inexhaustible topic on which there are countless variations. The arrangement of a small kitchen can be especially interesting and inspirational, if you enjoy the process of editing, of course. According to many designers this year will be very popular bohemian details in kitchens, such as open shelves, multilayered textures and gorgeous colors. Also very popular are kitchen islands, but in small kitchens they are generally not the best option. Unless it is a wide and a low bar that is connected to the wall on the one hand and replaces the dining table.

However, small kitchens are a special challenge, so we bring you some great examples of great kitchens that may bring you some idea that you can apply in your home too. According to these pictures, white color is still invincible when it comes to small kitchens, and very often they use open shelves instead of the upper cabinets. This means a little less room for storage, but also a more airy space … So think carefully about what has been used in the kitchens below, before you start the decoration.








Tags: kitchen, small kitchen, small space

Author: Ana Duovska


''Some people look for a beautiful place, others make a place beautiful.''


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