Product Design

Wicker Furniture Is Trendy Again: 20 Inspirational Examples That Will Delight You

Lately, especially as the summer approach, many interior designs we can notice a strong return of the classic furniture made from rattan, bamboo and bushes, in many different styles. One of the most frequent option of wicker furniture elements, is furniture where the surface, such as a chair, backrest, or handrail, to be covered with a tight grid of geometric pattern that is formed by knitting. There are much more modern versions of this interesting style of knitted furniture that brings interesting textures into space. These beautiful wicker furniture elements look great in combination with a solid frame and furniture in contrasting colors.

Even if the structure itself is massive, the surface covered with wicker rattan fibers will look light and airy, and its natural brown color will add warmth to your space. If you find some old wicker furniture elements, just refresh them (re-paint them) and enter them in your living space. You can always choose one of the most popular summer colors for creating a cheerful look. Take a look at the examples below, and find idea how to use wicker furniture in your interior design!


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