The Art Of Kintsugi Where The Imperfection Is The Ultimate Perfection

Thanks toΒ Kintsugi, this 15th-century Japanese art,Β your chipped or broken porcelain will not end up in the trash!Β On the contrary, you will give it a second life.

Indeed, thisΒ ancient techniqueΒ is toΒ repair an object by sticking its broken partsΒ withΒ gold powder (or silver). Proof of this is that the word “Kintsugi” comes from the Japanese Kin (gold) and Tsugi (joint), literally meaning “joint with gold”.Β A meaningful approach that consists ofΒ exalting the beautyΒ of broken pieces! Instead of masking the fault lines, the Kintsugi, on the contrary, allows them to be emphasized.

Much more than a repair technique, it is an approach that allowsΒ highlighting the repaired part, its history, its age. But it is also a restorative technique not only for ceramics but also for souls…

A saving art

The art of Kintsugi, which says broken object, says aΒ sign of renewal. Instead of hiding your flaws, you highlight them. The idea is toΒ take into account his past, the accidents he may have known.

The repaired object thus symbolizes the start of a new cycle. An approach that is fully in line with this desire not to throw anything away, but also in the philosophy and tendency ofΒ Wabi-sabiΒ which advocatesΒ the acceptance and contemplation of what is imperfect, atypical! But in addition to being a repair technique, an artistic practice, Kintsugi makes sense and is nourished by a philosophy that goes far beyond. Indeed, this art is used as aΒ symbol and metaphor of resilience in psychology.

Repaired then honored, the broken object is reborn while assuming its past. It becomesΒ more resistant, more beautiful, and more precious. A markdown that helps to support the healing of physical and/or emotional wounds, to take a step back, as an invitation to novelty.

A repair technique in several stages

Before embarking on the repair of your objects, you must have in mind the different stages of Kintsugi. It’s not about just gluing two pieces together. On the contrary, it isΒ a long processΒ – which can take weeks, even months – andΒ precise. First, the shards of the broken object are gathered, then cleaned. Then, these are glued using a traditional natural lacquer. Once glued, the object is left to dry before being sanded. Essential preparation work beforeΒ highlighting the cracks with layers of lacquer sprinkled with gold. It is also possible to use any other powdered metal like silver, bronze, brass, or copper ink.

Finally, it’s time for polishing to reveal all the shine of the object! Note that thereΒ are kits in Kintsugi to re-glue your broken porcelain using a mixture of epoxy resin and gold or silver powder.Β Whether you opt for the “classic” or “turnkey”Β technique,Β Kintsugi is a highly sought-after technique. It even seems that some voluntarily break their dishes or precious vase to transform them, upgrade them…







Tags: ancient technique, art, art decor, broken porcelain, decor, decorations, interior decor, japanese art, Kintsugi, Kintsugi art, sticking broken porcelain parts

Author: Renata Kralevska

Renata Kralevska

A passionate female writer, I specialize in articles about architecture and home interiors. I love sharing insights and inspiration to help readers create beautiful and functional living spaces.


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