Outdoors design

16 Glorious Modern Deck Designs Your Patio Must Have

modern deck is a prerequisite to an outdoor area that simply provokes you to leave the comfort of your home and step out to enjoy the outdoors. It also should provide you with space which you can use as you wish. The deck is where you are going to set up your patio areas. You can create a simple lounging area or a full kitchen and dining area. Alternatively, the modern deck is also a good platform for an outdoor party.

Welcome to a new collection in which we are going to introduce you to these 16 Glorious Modern Deck Designs Your Patio Must Have. Check them out below and you’ll most definitely find a couple of these ideas appealing. Inspect them carefully and you might even be able to steal a few ideas for your own outdoor areas. If you like them, make sure to take a look at the rest of the outdoor areas featured in our modern style showcase. So far, we’ve got designs of the modern entrance and porch but soon, we’ll have a lot more. Enjoy!

1. Watermill Residence

2. Dalarna House

3. w residence

4. Wing House

5. Modern Deck

6. Casa GG

7. Penthouse with a modern deck

8. Casa Narigua

9. WEH Bammental

10. Modern Deck with a view in Copenhagen

11. Haus Hainbach

12. Casa di Silvana

13. Rooftop deck

14. Terrace in downtown

15. Meadowood House

16. House on a Dune

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