15 Monumental Modern Residence Designs Your Eyes Will Lock On

If you liked our previous collection of 15 Majestic Luxury Contemporary Residence Designs You Must See then there is no way that you are not going to like a similar collection, except that this time, we will be featuring modern residence designs instead of contemporary home exterior designs.

Welcome to our newest collection of 15 Monumental Modern Residence Designs Your Eyes Will Lock On in which we have featured some of the best designs under modern residence that we were able to find.
One of the things that makes the modern residences so irresistible is the good old simplicity in it’s design. The modern exterior design does not feature a lot of different shapes and accents that can be found in some of the more traditional styles. On the contrary, the modern style features simple designs such as blank walls with sharp edges and straight lines as well as very big glass walls and huge windows allowing the natural light to highlight the interior design as well. Enjoy!

Haus I

Piedmont Residence

A House in the Woods

New Forest House

Russian Hill

Casa SAC I

Bushman Dreyfus Architects

Biscayne Bay Residence

Carpinteria Foothills Residence

Baulinder Haus


Eltham South, Blairgowrie

Lighthouse 65

Orinda Modern Residence

Sustainable Long Island Residence

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