Outdoors design

Transform Your Small Balcony Into Irresistible Retreat

City balconies are usually defined by a modest area that brings a variety of constraints. However, to make the mistakes an advantage and to arrange your little paradise to look much larger than it is, we will help you with simple and effective ideas that will delight you. Someone’s balcony serves primarily for growing plants – flowers and spices, someone would like to have a place to drink morning coffee or evening gathering, a daily lunch, or someone wants to use the balcony for storage space …

In all these needs, the aesthetic dimension is very important. You must never forget it, and even when you have a space for hanging out on the balcony or it serves as storage with cabinets and vacuum cleaners. And then it is important to use color, detailing, the shape of furniture … This is especially true for small balconies, where the flaws are even more noticeable. Details like jars with flowers and spices, lanterns, lights and decorative pillows are always welcomed, but a lot of details can result in mismatch and overcrowding. In addition, large pieces of furniture completely will close the outdoor space. Check out below some functional and beautiful small balconies- they will show you that having small balcony is not so bad. Enjoy in our collection!

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