Categories: Interior Design

Home Decor Inspiration from Unexpected Sources

If you are someone who likes to stand out from the crowd the chances are you do not want to decorate your home in the same way as everyone else. You are always looking for something new. Here are three places you can turn to for new ideas.

Look abroad

Looking at the way people in other parts of the world decorate their homes is a great way to get inspiration. These days it is easy to go online, look at foreign decor, and design websites for new ideas.

Use a dictionary to get the search terms you need. You can then put those phrases in speech marks, which will bring back websites which contain that exact phrase.

Another approach is to change your default search country in your browser. Here is how you do it in Google.

You can then use the phrases you looked up in the dictionary in the foreign browser. Doing so, will bring back far more results than using the exact match search method, in your home country’s browser.

Home stagers

Another great place to get inspiration is from a homestaging company. They know exactly what is happening in the world of home decor and are always looking for fresh and new ways to show off the properties that they stage.

Visiting show homes in your area also works well. Naturally, you want to focus on those that are similar to the size and type of home you live in to get the best ideas.

Design student competitions

Interior design students are always coming up with new ideas. Many of these first see the light of day during competitions that they enter.

Many of the entrants offer something that is innovative and very different. The search term “home design competition” coupled with words like results, bathroom or kitchen, will bring back some great results.

Use Google alerts

If you find interesting designers that appeal to your tastes set up a Google alert for their name. That way when they are in the news you will get an email telling you where to find the story. Following them on social media works well too.

Other people’s homes

This last one is not unusual, per se. After all, we all pickup design inspiration from the homes of friends and family. It is normal to do so.

However, you can also get great ideas from the homes that you see on TV. Next time you watch an old movie or TV show, look at how the homes are finished and decorated.

It is surprising how much inspiration you can get when you do this. Each era has its own unique style. Once you start using your powers of observation, you will come up with ideas you can use to give your home a fresh look and feel. The fact some of these designs have not been in mainstream use for decades makes them appear fresh and new. It really is a great way to stand out from everyone else and get a complete look for your home.

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