Interior Design

Why Choose Laminate Flooring

Laying flooring is likely to be one of the biggest jobs you will have to do in your home. Most people realise that how their floors look is important, so are prepared to spend a fair amount of money to get the right look.

The majority of people weigh up the options carefully before buying, and will sometimes save up so that they can afford to get what they really want. This is good because when you are buying something like flooring research is important as is taking the time to buy something that is built to last. However, for some reason few people consider buying laminate flooring, which is actually a pity.

There is a tendency to think of this type of flooring as being cheap and nasty, and boring. In reality, all of these assumptions are very wrong. Laminate flooring has come a long way since it was invented, in the 1970s.

Today, it is easy to pick up a great quality floor that looks fantastic ,and made to last. You just need to buy from a reputable retailer, and make sure that you buy the right grade of flooring for the task.

If you are laying a floor, in a bathroom, it will not get much wear and tear. This means you can get away with buying a lower grade of floor. However, you will need to make sure that it can withstand getting wet.

Gone are the days when all you could find is wood effect planks. You can now find it in literally thousands of different styles and looks. Whether you want a red tile look, or flooring that looks like slabs of marble you can get your hands on it. The more unusual and elaborate the design is the more you will have to pay for it.

By far the cheapest laminate flooring is wood effect. Fortunately, if you are on a budget you still get a good choice of styles. For a touch of chic wide wooden planks, in grey, would work well. If you want a classic look, opting for oak effect is probably a better option.

If money is no problem, you can even have a custom-made laminate floor laid. All you need to do is to take some high-resolution photos of any flooring that catches your eye, and send them to the manufacturer. They then print your photo onto a high quality material, and stick it to panels of engineered wood. That is then cut into planks or smaller panels for ease of transport and laying. People get very creative with custom-made laminate flooring. It is particularly popular with business owners. For example, if you are a sweetshop owner, you could potentially have a sweet themed floor made up your shop.

As you can see from this short article laminate flooring offers you the chance to buy a good quality floor that is not expensive and is easy to lay. If you would like to find out more about choosing the right flooring design for a particular room, you can do so here.

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