Categories: Gardens & Terrace

5 Ways to Upgrade Your Backyard: Step Lights to Fire Pits

Do you have a sizable outdoor space but never take advantage of it? Making a few, relatively small changes to your yard or outdoor space can transform it into an outdoor living room where you and your guests will want to spend time. A little fresh air does the body good, right? Here are some changes you can make to turn your yard from drab to fab.

Step Lights

One of the most important factors in an outdoor space’s usability is the lighting. If you have a poorly lit deck or patio, no one is going to want to sit out there to eat dinner or sip cocktails. Installing step lights can make your patio look infinitely more inviting to visitor. In addition to the aesthetic value of putting in step lighting under steps, handrails, and edges, the extra lighting provides a level of safety to prevent guests from tripping in the dark. You can easily find attractive step lights from Lumens to make your outdoor décor more appealing. The lighting will lend a polished appearance to your outdoor space, moving it beyond a useable space and into an enjoyable space.

Outdoor Fan

If you live in an area with a warm climate or significant humidity, putting in an outdoor fan will help keep your outdoor space cool and comfortable. Outdoor fans come in a variety of styles to fit your desired aesthetic. Getting a refreshing breeze at the flip of a switch is a great way to extend the usable season of your outdoor space through those extra hot summer months.

Potted Plants

If your outdoor space is devoid of any potted plants, it might run the risk of looking a bit lifeless. Inject some vitality into your space by picking up some plants from the local nursery. Plants offer a fun and affordable way to show your personality and decorate the yard with a variety of species. Try a mix of colorful pots and urns for a bohemian look, or use matching stone planters for something more formal. You can always switch things up with the seasons and bring in new flowers to update your look when you get bored. Aside from visual value, potted plants can be an economic boon as well. Planting your own herb garden or small vegetables is a fun way to involve more fresh organic produce into your cooking and they’ll always taste better with the knowledge that you’ve grown them yourself.

CNN cites a recent Dutch study to illustrate the stress relief benefits of gardening regularly, “after completing a stressful task, two groups of people were instructed to either read indoors or garden for 30 minutes. Afterward, the group that gardened reported being in a better mood than the reading group, and they also had lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol.” So gardening can relieve your stress, provide you with fresh herbs and vegetables, and make your outdoor space look more attractive. It’s hard to find a reason why not to.


Step lights are great for providing safety lighting but they won’t illuminate the entire space. Rather than putting in spotlights with a harsh light in the yard, try picking up some lanterns to give your patio a relaxed glow. Lighting candles in a tabletop of hanging lantern is a great way to lend a festive appearance to your outdoor space and keep things light without excessive brightness. BuzzFeed has some fun ideas for how you can do DIY lighting projects in your backyard. And as we all know, everyone looks better by candlelight.

Fire Pit

Like potted plants, a fire pit can add some activity to your yard. If you like to entertain, fire pits are a great activity for bringing friends together. With your newly attractive backyard, no one will want to go back inside and now they won’t need to because it’s easy to stay warm around the fire pit. If you have a lawn or gravel area, building a stone fire pit is as easy as clearing space and arranging stones in the ground. For your patio, there are plenty of options for a raised fire pit that stands alone. Rest assured, even if you’re not an expert on kindling a fire, you can pick up an instant log from any grocery store and start a fire with almost no effort. Pick up some graham crackers, chocolate bars, and marshmallows and you’re all set for a great night of s’mores and bonfire fun with friends. Check out the Kitchn for some modern updates on the traditional s’more recipe from summer camp.

After you put in step lights, pick up some plants and attractive pots, install an outdoor fan, light up some lanterns, and put in a fire pit, your outdoor space is going to be a guaranteed knock out. It’s time to make the most of your space.

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