5 First-Apartment Decorating Essentials

Securing a lease and moving into your very first apartment is a major step that will fill you with excitement and may even leave you feeling a little anxious too. And with a multitude of things to do and paperwork to fill out, it’s easy to see how the whole process can overwhelm a person. While you’ll be more than likely ‘living out of box’ for the first few days in your new home, there are some decorating essentials you can put in place to make sure you have a homely base that meets your needs right from the off.

The good news is that setting yourself up need not be daunting, as following the 5 first-apartment decorating essentials below will help you to ensure nothing important is missing once you have moved in:

1.Get Some Quality Beds and Furniture

It may be tempting to pick up a few pieces of disposable furniture to tide you over the moving period but it’s much better to get quality furniture that will last. A good bed will help you rest better during the hectic moving period and it will serve you well long after you have settled in. The same applies to the rest of your living spaces; good quality kitchen furniture and items such as couches and sofas can be bought either new or second hand and, with a little care and attention, they will last for years.

2.Paint and Wallpaper

Whether you have just bought your first apartment or are going to be renting one, it’s likely you may need to update or change some of the color schemes in your new home. And regardless of if you’ve got your new apartment from letting agents in Wakefield or realtors in New York, we all have different tastes and preferences so don’t be afraid to make the apartment your own! Choosing your preferred colors for your walls not only improves the appearance of the interior, but it will also make your home instantly feel more cozy and comfortable to you.

3.Proper Curtains and Blinds

This is another area where it is tempting to get temporary replacements until you are settled. The reality is that you’ll need high quality and long lasting blinds or curtains at some point in the future, so just like furniture, it will not hurt to invest in the right curtains or blinds at the beginning.

4.Carpets and Rugs

Carpets and rugs are the essentials that will help you maintain your new apartment and keep it in its best shape to preserve its value. In addition, carpets, tiles, and area rugs help to define and protect different areas while adding color and texture.


Lighting is another design fundamental that will not only give your new apartment a stamp of your own style; it will also enhance the ambiance and look of your living spaces to your liking. The right lighting can instantly transform a dull and drab looking room into one that oozes style and elegance.

Moving into an apartment for the first time should be an exhilarating and uplifting experience, which is why taking points such as the above into consideration and having a checklist to keep you organized are so crucial. We hope the advice above will help you to make your first few days in your new apartment memorable and enjoyable ones.

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