Interior Design

18 Snug Window Seat Designs That Are Must Have In Your Dream Home

Every human being aspires to repose and relaxation from everyday duties and where better if not in the comfort of your home? Favorite space in the house depends on the individual needs and desires in the present moment – may be a couch watching television, comfortable bedroom, terrace or garden … the options are numerous, but our proposal is the corner by the window (window seat) , as the perfect place to relax at home.

We believe that each person would wanted a place like this in the home, a place where will lay down and would read a good book, where will drink hot tea while enjoying the view out the window. Setting such a place in the home requires good planning the space and determining the right place: unused space in the home, corridor, or part of your child’s room in the front window. The window seat may be in the chest wall or it can be commode with lockers on which you can place cushions or small mats.

If space allows, make such corner, which beside that it would serve you to relax, will add charm to the overall look of your home. See the ideas that we have prepared for your inspiration which will undoubtedly serve you in creating such an intimate corner by the window.

Image via Shai Gil

Image via Anthony Crisafulli

Image via Amy Smucker Photography

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