17 High-Stylish Zen Bedrooms For Better Resting & Sleep

The need for tranquil living in a minimalist and clean decorated spaces, increasingly goes to the arrangement of the interiors according to a Japanese Zen philosophy. This traditional Japanese philosophy for years has been an inspirational source for simple and clean aesthetics and natural, tranquil and harmonious living. The arrangement with Zen techniques requires careful play with lines, shapes, space, light and materials. Great attention and precision in arranging the house according to the characteristics of Zen attributed to the relationship between the outer and inner space, or the creation of natural and organic flow between the spaces inside and outside the home.

Zen style aims to avoid the overcrowding of the space and resorting to the elements and their most important characteristics. Decorating the home in Zen-style consist of simplicity and displaying deep essential qualities of the elements. The interiors are open and decorated with natural materials and usually are bright. In all spaces the natural light play a crucial role, which creates a restful Zen atmosphere where all worries, burdens and problems will disappear. If you want to create perfect peacefun bedroom, then you need to opt for Zen style. Below you can see some creative examples that will help you in your chooice!

Image via Joe Fletcher

Image via Matthew Millman

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