Interior Design

17 Fabulous Modern Nursery Designs That Stand Out From The Ordinary

An usual design of the room for the baby is to be with painted walls – blue for boys and pink for girls. But in this article we offer a lot of interesting ideas to make your place for a baby to be as more as beautiful. Most of us are not able to arrange a special room for the baby, in which you will accommodate the bed, closets, lots of stuffed animals and a comfortable chair for breastfeeding. But you will agree with us that the baby in the first year of life do not require a special room, so you can put baby’s bed in your bedroom. Just make sure not to set it close to radiators. And to you probably will not be a problem sleep in a colorful room, so the whole room can be painted so that to your child to be more fun. Do not forget that the room to be fun and colorful – stuffed animals are an indispensable part of every kid’s room, as well as paintings, inscriptions on the walls and, of course, a colorful bed linen.

Once you take care for that, you will get fabulous nursery that will radiate positive feelings and pleasant ambience. For today we made one a little more different collection about decorating nursery in modern style If you want to decign extraordinary nursery, take a look in our collection and you will see many inspirational examples that surely will help you!

Image via Alyssa Rosenheck

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