Interior Design

16 Fascinating Living Rooms With Small But Functional Library

Do you love to read and love to have in their possession numerous books of your favorite writers? But a problem occurs when you want to create a library, usually there is lack of space for big storage space. You can choose a good, interesting and functional shelves and to put all your books there, without hassle. In your living room, you can have a small library that will not cause trouble. It can be a place where each of your books have their own place.

You will be proud of your beautifully decorated library, in simple shelves can get a lot place that you can hardly wait to fill out with new books. Also this little mini library will be at your fingertips, when you want to relax in your living room. Your living room will become a favorite spot in the house, if you like to read. Below, we present you one interesting collection of some amazing living room designs with small but functional libraries. Take a look below, and you will find many interesting ideas! Enjoy in our collection!

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