15 Interesting Mezzanine Living Room Designs That Will Inspire You

The living room is the place where most folks usually stay together, as well as with relatives and friends. This is the place that should look nice and pleasant to the eye, radiating positive energy, to wake up nice and pleasant feeling, and “force” the people to the longer stay there. Despite the expensive furniture or spaciousness, many living rooms seem cold, even a little depressed. In the living room is important to feel comfortable and uninhibited, it is important not to clutter it, to be able to move freely and socialize or relax.

Make a compromise with your wishes and add refreshment to this area. Some walls and furniture can be in a neutral color, or you can break the monotony with colorful cushions, decorations for the apartment, and even the occasional stool. The mixing of styles should not be exaggerated, but must not all be monotonously and invariable. Give a personal touch to your living room, by choosing one or two unique pieces of furniture that differ from the whole concept. Today we present you one little more different living rooms. It is about mezzanine living rooms which are perfectly decorated and they might serve you as inspiration!


Image via Angle Eye Photography


Image via Susan Teare


Image via Colin Pool and Steve Taylor


Tags: living room design, mezzanine, mezzanine living room

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